Computer Tips Blog., This site is a website that gathers news, techniques and useful information. To those who interested about computer. I hope you will have something good from this site.
Invasion of the tabletop tablets: Are these fiendishly clever hybrids the ultimate family PCs?
05.29.2013 3:30 AM
You can thank Windows 8 for this bold new experiment: touchscreen all-in-one computers that can move all around the house.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini versus the world: How does it compare? (Chart)
05.30.2013 8:08 AM
It might be dubbed the Mini, but this so-called mid-range phones stacks up well with some top tier competitors under the hood.
»See what we think about it.
»Check its price.
Everything you need to know to get started with your home network and hardware.
Microsoft outs the new features in Windows 8.1: Here's what you need to know
05.30.2013 7:40 AM
Microsoft has pulled back the curtain on Windows 8.1. Lots of changes are a-coming, and the Start button is back... kind of.
Master basic Instagram tips and tricks
05.29.2013 4:35 AM
Want to get more out of Instagram. In this video, we'll show you a few quick tips that will save you time and draw more followers.
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