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Just thought I would show you some of the new articles we have on Tips4pc. Click on the link if you are interested.
Computer Tips and Tricks Free
- 5 Must Have Free Hardware Diagnostic Tools
Every computer has hardware problems eventually, so it's important to keep hardware diagnostic tools on hand. It could be because your computer will not boot due to a problem which could be either hardware of software related. But you don't need to spend money on expensive tools. These five free tools can help you diagnose […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/nYKpuroIhF8)
- Enable The Quick View Menu In Windows Live Email
If you use Windows Live Email to send and receive emails on your computer, enabling the Quick View menu is a handy option. It simple means that you can see a summary of all of your email accounts in one column. What is the Quick View Menu? The Quick view menu allows you to see […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/BZRxFcy-RmM)
- How To Open Windows Services [services.msc]
You may find that one day, you will need to know how to open Windows services. For example you might face a problem with your sound on your system and after checking all the basic settings, checking to see if the Windows Audio Service is actually started is the last resort. This article shows various ways […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/Tpard2vdgts)
- How To Find Hidden Programs Running In The Background
You know there are hidden programs running in the background on your computer but you can’t see them. There is no icon in the task bar showing that they are running so where are they? The more programs you have running on your computer at the same time, hidden or not, the more likely it is […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/BUl4Iekyqbw)
- How To Download Files While You're Away From The Computer
Those of us rocking the 56K dial up modem know the troubles of attempting to download the latest movies over our connection. By the time Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 finishes buffering to my hard drive, Bella will be in the nursing home…and she's immortal! While your first step at a remedy for slow downloads […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/NpNDg78lHko)
- PA (Personal Assistant) Apps 'Siri' Vs 'Google Now'
Google Now and Siri are both personal assistant software facilities. Google Now is the GoogleCorporation's offering, while Siri is Apple's Offering. Google offers Google Now through a component of its mobile Google Search feature, as a part of its Android platform and as an installable feature for the iOS platform. On the other hand, Siri […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/_lWfnYDEnGc)
- Top IPad Apps You May Not Know About
An Ipad user has access to nearly a million apps (by early 2014) to choose from in the App Store. These apps range from those that increase your productivity, give you simpler access to social networks and those that serve a myriad of diverse utilities. Some of them offer high graphics, video and audio capabilities. […]![](http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Tips4pcLattestFreeComputerTipsArticles/~4/6WGcgrftPKw)
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