วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Rate Your Cloud Computing Service, Win a Subscription

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PCMag's Business Choice Awards



The tech world is abuzz about Cloud Computing these days, and chances are your business, big or small, uses it. Whether you’re a SOHO or SMB using a sync/backup service or an admin of an enterprise utilizing cloud infrastructure, we want to hear from you about which service is best. We'll reveal the results next month in our latest Business Choice Awards!

As a thank you, we'll be picking 10 people at random from those who complete the survey to win a three-month subscription to the PCMag Digital Edition, courtesy of Zinio!

So please take a few minutes to share your thoughts about the cloud computing technologies your organization uses. We appreciate it.

Please CLICK HERE to take the survey.

Dan Costa
Editor-in-Chief, PCMag.com
Follow me on Twitter:
Dan Costa

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