Computer Tips Blog., This site is a website that gathers news, techniques and useful information. To those who interested about computer. I hope you will have something good from this site.
On the strength of high speeds in East Coast cities, T-Mobile 3G showed the highest 20-city average in our study, but network performance was hardly consistent nationwide. Sprint and Verizon averaged well less than 1 mbps for downloads.
Sony tries to steal some of Microsoft's Xbox thunder by offering a few fleeting glimpses of the Playstation 4 hardware via video on the eve of a big Xbox event.
Memorial Day touts the start of summer sales, but bargain-hunters might do well to be patient and wait for a few upcoming events that will bring real deals.
Our approach to testing wireless service has always been to closely replicate how people use wireless service in the real world, and then measure how well it really works. That's why we do the testing ourselves.